Lori Pearce

Member - Board of Directors

After visiting Uganda on our “Service and Safari” trip in July 2023, Lori was fully committed to working with and helping The Melissa Prandi Children Foundation. Lori resides in Petaluma, California and is an Advertising Director with the Marin Independent Journal | North Bay Woman Magazine.

She is a Rotarian spouse and is involved in many community organizations which include Giving Marin, San Rafael Chamber of Commerce, Women of Industry, and The Women Leadership and Philanthropy Council at Dominican University of California. Lori’s partner, Dr. George Wagner Jr., is a local chiropractor. He is a member of and past President of Sunrise Rotary Club of Petaluma.

Their daughter, who also visited Uganda, is graduating from high school and their son works for the United States Navy. They all enjoy family time and giving back to their community.

Email: lori@mpchildrenfoundation.org