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“Hello friends and thank you for donating and uplifting the lives of women and children in Uganda! Your support helps us to provide bright, healthy and independent futures.

Please consider a donation to help us reach our goals increasing our impact with our student sponsorships, vocational training, microloans, and Garden of Eatin’ school farm programs. With your continued support, we are able to spread hope, health and education in Uganda.”

- Melissa Prandi Founder and CEO of The Melissa Prandi Children Foundation

501 (c) (3) # 87-2836825

Learn how you can sponsor a child to attend school from primary through university

About Student Sponsorship

Give a chance for a better life!

Our scholarships benefit highly-selected but vulnerable children and allow them to enroll in primary, secondary and university level education.Their education includes full room and board, healthy meals, and swimming lessons, a crucial life skill. It also supports cultural arts activities like music and dance.

At the end of every academic year, we report back to all donors about the students’ performance and progress including a letter in their own words with photos. These scholarships truly change the lives of these children, allowing them to access opportunities they would have thought impossible. This is thanks to the powerful combination of the donor’s generosity and the student’s hard work.

By donating, you are truly able to change the lives of these children, allowing them to access opportunities they would have thought impossible. Sponsorship gives you an opportunity to see how your contribution is making a difference. The sponsored students will have the chance to develop into self-sustaining, happy, healthy and productive members of their communities.

Full Sponsorship

For children boarding/living on campus

$873 Annually

This sponsorship plan covers tuition, room & board, uniforms, books, meals, swimming lessons and personal items for the school year.

You will Receive:

  • Student biography and photo.

  • Personalized letters from the sponsored student to the sponsor with photos sent annually.

  • Academic performance update twice a year.


  • An opportunity to travel to Uganda annually with fellow donors for Service and Safari for the Soul, a service oriented once in a lifetime project and African Safari.

Half Sponsorship

For children commuting to school daily who do not live on campus

$420 Annually

This sponsorship plan covers tuition, uniforms, books, meals and personal items for the school year.

You will Receive:

  • Student biography and photo.

  • Personalized letters from the sponsored student to the sponsor with photos sent annually.

  • Academic performance update twice a year.


  • An opportunity to travel to Uganda annually with fellow donors for Service and Safari for the Soul, a service oriented once in a lifetime project and African Safari.

501 (c) (3) # 87-2836825