Melissa Prandi Children Foundation

Our Programs

Garden of Eatin’ Program

Currently in 4 schools and expanding to 6 soon, the Garden of Eatin’ takes curriculum from North Bay Children’s Center. Children learn to plant, grow, harvest and prepare fruits and vegetables.

Sponsor a Student Program

Donate to sponsor a student to fund private boarding school education, all meals and swimming lessons. Funds include cultural activities such as art, dance and music. Education sponsorship ranges from primary school through University.

Hygiene Kit Program

Our Hygiene Kits Program provides girls and women with free reusable hygiene kits which are produced locally in our sewing centers. These kits allow girls to stay in school and we provide personal health education. The reusable kits cost $6 and last for 3 years. For $2/girl per year, this is an easy way to make a huge impact on their lives and chances for an independent future.

Vocational Skills Program

Our training centers teach vocational skills such as sewing, animal husbandry, landscape design and sustainable agriculture. These skills enable long term financial stability.

Women Expowerment Program

We support female empowerment through microloans to young women for businesses including brick-laying, chicken and duck rearing, a retail shop, a beauty shop, a mushroom farm, and a cosmetics shop.

Garden of Eatin’ Program

Sponsor A Student Program

Hygiene Kit Program

Vocational Skills Program

Women Empowerment Microloan Program