Aaron Bukenya

Chairman - Education Committee

Aaron Bukenya is a Rotarian, educator, social entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is experienced with social related development projects, schools, investments in social sectors and profit and non-profit organizations’ management. Aaron is well-versed in strategic planning, leadership, investments, public speaking, partnership development and resource mobilization.

Aaron is the proprietor of St. Mark Schools in Kayunga, Uganda and founder of Shule Finance company. He sits on various boards including Afri-Taste Ltd, the Rockies Troupe organization and Bowa Vocational School. He is co-founder & director of strategy for the Proprietors of Private Schools Association in Uganda and Private School Proprietors’ Cooperative. Aaron also sits as a Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Katiisa Family Foundation.

Email: aaron@mpchildrenfoundation.org